The dirt roads running through the Grand Staircase
Escalante Wilderness area are very dangerous when wet. The dirt is actually a clay that packs into your treads and turns them into bald tires. So beware the
backroads if there is any chance of rain during your trip. A few years back, my cousin's 4-wheel drive truck slid off the trail and smashed the door in pretty bad.
The picture above shows what can happen if you follow too closely to the
Paria river after a rain storm. My uncle's jeep was stuck deep in the mud and took several hours to free. The family was trying to get to the
Paria ghost town and movie set (which we later found out had burned down anyway).
So always be prepared for emergencies. Bring extra water, blankets and food. And ALWAYS let someone know where you are heading and when you plan to return.
But don't forget to "Have Fun!"
Sometimes these little incidents are the best part of the vacation. I know our family remembers them quite fondly around the campfire at night. :-)